
i suppose, i am like this photo.
entralling but fundamentally flawed.
you could see it if u tried.

how did it come to this?


what did i do now again?
i can never know with you is that it?

how did it come to this?


sometimes, i wish people would just talk less.
in our own silent worlds, at least we know we're safe.
when u open the door to noise you open yourself to cross-fire.
man. its dangerous out there.

how did it come to this?


I believe that if one man were to live out his life fully and completely, were to give form to every feeling, expression to every thought, reality to every dream -- I believe that the world would gain such a fresh impulse of joy that we would forget all the maladies of mediaevalism, and return to the Hellenic ideal-- to something finer, richer than the Hellenic ideal,it may be.

But the bravest man amongst us is afraid of himself. The mutilation of the savage has its tragic survival in the self-denial that mars our lives. We are punished for our refusals. Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind and poisons us. The body sins once, and has done with its sin, for action is a mode of purification. Nothing remains then but the recollection of a pleasure, or the luxury of a regret. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful. It has been said that the great events of the world take place in the brain.

It is in the brain, and the brain only, that the great sins of the world take place also.

how did it come to this?


ive decided that i like kaylen more than naima now.
that girl is CUTE!
i'd show you people her photo but i wouldnt want to spoil it for myself and find out who won.
so yeah people, WATCH it.
but still, naima's hot. reminds me of jessica alba. with short hair.

how did it come to this?


i think i must be fuckin' crazy...

how did it come to this?


saw this from a random blog and since i cant do shit things else i shall do silly stuff.

1.take 5 books off yr bookshelf.

2.book 1 - 1st sentence:
there was no possibility of taking a walk that day.

3.book 2 - last sentence on page 50:
there was no death.

4.book 3 - 2nd sentence on page 100:
"you stay in that house!" she yelled.

5.book 4 - next to last sentence on page 150:
this writer went through all the usual topics of european moralists, showing how diminutive, contemptible, and helpless an animal was man in his own nature; h ow unable to defend himself from the inclemencies of the air, or the fury of wild beasts.

(what a 4#@%$#@^#^ long sentence.)

6.Book 5 - final sentence of the book:
as louis relaxed and prepared for sleep, all his thoughts were of how lucky he was to inhabit such a beautiful earth, how lucky he had been to solve his problems wth music, and how pleasant it was to look forward to another night of sleep and another day tomorrow, and the fresh morning, and the light that returns with the day.

7. Make the five sentences into a paragraph.
there was no possibility of taking a walk that day. there was no death. "you stay in that house!" she yelled. this writer went through all the usual topics of european moralists, showing how diminutive, contemptible, and helpless an animal was man in his own nature; h ow unable to defend himself from the inclemencies of the air, or the fury of wild beasts. as louis relaxed and prepared for sleep, all his thoughts were of how lucky he was to inhabit such a beautiful earth, how lucky he had been to solve his problems wth music, and how pleasant it was to look forward to another night of sleep and another day tomorrow, and the fresh morning, and the light that returns with the day.

8. Feel free to "cheat" to make a better paragraph:
i think its idiot to try to change such crap i actually take time out to do.
forgive me for being bored and very lame.

how did it come to this?


fuck everything.
cause all i want, is for you to come back.

how did it come to this?


i cant sleep.
i cant eat.
i cant study.
i cant do shit.
i cant even talk to you.
you're driving me up the wall.
i might snap.

how did it come to this?


Starring a star-filled cast which includes Life! Theatre Award Winners Karen Tan, Janice Koh, and Christian W Huber, Life! Theatre Award Nominee Lim Kay Tong, and Rehaan Engineer as the Marquis de Sade, you can expect an evening of theatrical provocation. Titillating, and nourishing to your deepest desire, allow the very words of the Marquis drive your very whimsical fantasies through your very loins, and protect the sanctity of your beliefs with your faith and religion. A play that discusses the role of > the artist, and the right to create no matter what the circumstances, Quills brings a volcanic discussion in full light, when thought and action could be controlled by power and intimidation. Through quirky eruptive scenes to intimate quiet ones,Quills is not to be missed!

With an Award Winning production team led by two - time Life! Best Production Design Winner, Sebastian Zeng, Costumes designed by Lai Chan, Lights designed by Suven Chan, and Sound designed by Darren Ng, one can be assured of the deft hands of Multi - Nominated and Life! Theatre Award Winner for Best Director in 2004, Samantha Scott -Blackhall to take the world of 17th Century France to a whole new dimension and thought.

Don't Miss it!

CONTENT ADVISORY: This play contains nudity, some scenes of violence, provocative language and mature viewing matter. Viewer discretion is advised.

i SO wanna watch it. please anyone?

how did it come to this?


i dont feel like talking.
i dont feel like anything.

no i take that back.
i feel like my world is crumbling around me.
can anybody else see?

how did it come to this?


i hate it i hate it i HATE IT.

if u were a tv screen i would shut u off and never turn it on again.
stop fucking up my mind with all the words you say.

how did it come to this?


if the world is in black and white it would be so much easier.
but instead we get shades of fuckin gray that only makes everybody confused and lost.
i want to feel fucking alive again and where does that fit? in the black, the white or the gray? or in the millions of multitudes of other grays?

i really should see life in colors again.

this is nothing, though i would want nothing more.
do i?

how did it come to this?


im in a very french psycho stalker/passionate lover mood so yeah, entertain me.

C'est toi qui m'a suicidée, mon amour
Toi qui m'a ouvert les veines
Maintenant je suis avec les anges
Pour toujours et à jamais
Quand tout est gris
La peine est mon amie
Un long suicide acide
Je t'aime mélancolie
Viens je t'en prie
C'est ton amie aussi
C'est l'elixir de mes délires
Je t'aime mélancolie.

how did it come to this?


Your dating personality profile:

Outgoing - You can liven up any party. You've got a way with people and have little difficulty charming your dates.
Sensual - You are not particularly shy when it comes to your sexuality. You know what you like and do not feel inhibited.
Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.
Your date match profile:

Outgoing - Shy and timid people are not who you are after. You need someone with a vibrant personality to breathe life into a relationship.
Romantic - You need someone with a traditional understanding of romance. A true romantic is a must-have in any potential date.
Adventurous - You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things.
Your Top Ten Traits

1. Outgoing
2. Sensual
3. Liberal
4. Romantic
5. Big-Hearted
6. Adventurous
7. Intellectual
8. Athletic
9. Stylish
10. Wealthy/Ambitious
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Outgoing
2. Romantic
3. Adventurous
4. Intellectual
5. Sensual
6. Athletic
7. Stylish
8. Wealthy/Ambitious
9. Big-Hearted
10. Conservative

Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions

how did it come to this?


stop. dont move. dont speak. dont hear. mime your way out. our lives in black and white.
we're playing a neverending game of charades and its always your move or mine.
nobody wins in this nightmare game of charades and we end up spiraling only into the land of the losers.
the ones in pain.
what happened to our voices?

how did it come to this?


can u ever hope to tell the truth without hurting someone?
words are only words.
yes that's true. but the meaning behind words bring life to them.
they can be sharpened, like knives to cut into the hearts of people.
they can soothe, yet sadly they are never used enough for that purpose.
you can say that these words are yours, not tools to hurt, but can you really believe that?
if words were private the world would be silent.
no more "once upon a times" or "happily ever afters".
but then again, life never was meant to be a fairytale.
fairytales are for children.
the book of me is of horror and suspense. surprise and maybe pretense.
now isnt that a revelation?
"surprise" is the new mantra and "pretense", the new god.
its true.
life was never straight up and seldom simple.
another epiphany.
how many of these blows do we have to suffer as a species before we realise the maze that we're in?
life goes on.
as i say if life throws you bananas you eat 'em. u might choke on it, but u fuckin well eat 'em or they're gonna rot in front of you and you'll have a whole new sort of mess to clean.
here's your mess.
clean it.

how did it come to this?


im such a hermit. gosh friends, please start asking me out again.
im sorry i keep cancelling on you guys but i've been really really depressed this past few weeks and...
im sure u'd understand.
i'd rather be a bad friend who doesnt turn up than to be a bad friend who snaps at her friends, as im sure u guys would prefer too..
well im still pretty depressed, but stayin at home now is killing me.
i cant face my mom much longer.
cant stand her much longer too.
whoever invented the term "good family relations" must be joking.
i need QUALITY friend time man! not to mention quality shopping time!

i think that.. having more people around me will get me distracted from myself, and getting distracted from myself is a GOOD thing now. so yeah CALL ME.

and no, going out drinking and getting shit drunk dont count much(sorry val :).
ive had it with hangovers thank you very much.

how did it come to this?


its always during the late nights that i think better.
im SO not going to school tomorrow anyway.
well, i just wanna give a shoutout to weishan for teachin me tt one irritating question of integration i just couldnt do. man u saved me from self-combustion :)


how did it come to this?


i am absolutely stunned.
me, the bitch queen has officially been outbitched. by a guy. some nerdy, weird UNsocialite who has been irritaiting the HELL outta me in econs lecture. yes, mr nerd has usurped my throne to becoming the next bitch queen. i mean, seriously that guy can talk. and talk he did. oh boy. i've never seen a guy talk SO much my entire life. heck, i dont think i've ever seen any human being talk that much. no wait, he's a guy, so technically he's considered human right? well, not quite. i think he must be possessed or something. yakyakyakyakyakyakYAKYAKYAK. non stop. really man, he did not stop. goodness. which leads me to the conclusion that he's possessed.
i cant really control my own volume yeah? so when i complained i pretty much might as well have said it right to him. which is what happened. oh well like i CARE. anyway he and his friends are such weirdos i cant understand their reaction to that sooo..
not as if i really wanna know.
the point is i got him to shut up so yeah.
the queen reigns again.
see people u dont wanna piss me off or i'll make u cry. :

how did it come to this?


i wish the world would just envelope me.

i really hate mondays.
mondays are when we have to go to school. or at least, mondays are days when we're supposed to go to school.
going to school means meeting people. all the people who are so fucking happy.
meeting happy people means i have to be happy too.

and i really hate being happy right now.
i hate trying to.

so just leave me alone why dont u.
dont even try.
'cause isnt it true that deep inside you dont want to?
its all just obligation.

that's why i dont sleep nights anymore.
there's hardly anybody around at night.

i really need someone to take me away from all this but u cant can you?

not you. or you. or you or you or you.

so just go ahead and leave me alone like all you've been doing.

how did it come to this?


A Dream Within a Dream
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

how did it come to this?


saw this in the mailbox today and it totally brightened up my day *big smile*

how did it come to this?


my life just sucks so bad

- i wanna run away with you and never turn back -

how did it come to this?


saw these at amk.

its kinda sad really. so many people going missing recently.
if u have any info give them a call yea?

maybe i should go missing too.

how did it come to this?


memoirs of a geisha set to come out in december.
ooh i cant wait.

how did it come to this?



im so fucking screwed.
royally screwed.

how did it come to this?


yesterday while going home i saw 2 cockroaches.
these are 2 very different cockroaches.
these cockroaches actually made me feel sorry for them.

cockroach number 1 was already dead. bless its poor soul. ok no, i take that back. i dont wanna bless it. other than circumstance, i still very much wish them to either a) die, or b) disappear from the face of the earth. anyway i digress. it was dead. very much dead. and ants, yeah a HUGE bunch of ants were carrying it. i suppose back to their base or something..for god knows what reason(c'mon guys surely u can imagine.)

cockroach number 2 wasnt dead though. it, was far from it. it was crawling(yeah crawling. not scuttling or scampering or flying like all the pesty other cockroaches do.) with all its itestines trailing behind it. ok so maybe it wasnt intestines - i wouldnt know but just..some internal stuff.

its really sad. i mean, imagine yourself crawling around with your organs spilling out.
after much thinking, i've come to the conclusion that cockroach 2 is in the worse position to be in.
and so it deserves a "worst life" award.
well i cant keep hogging the prize you know.

how did it come to this?


what do you do when you've reached the edge?

no matter how many people you surround yourself with, you are ultimately alone.

the house becomes a prison cell; a hiding hole, its 4 walls holding you claustophobically - but peacefully - in. the world is a sharp place - it pricks, it tears at your skin, it rips your hair. when you are nothing but a bloody pulp it picks at your organs. it never lets up.

just bury me in. hide me away from prying eyes. shelter me from the need to pretend everything is okay, from the pretense that everything is.

i want to scream and shout. i want to tell everybody how i feel. i want comfort.
but what right have i to unburden myself to others, shifting the weight on my shoulders to another whose shoulders are already weighted?

how did it come to this?


i. am. so. dead.

no seriously, i'll be officially dead in 7 hours. that's the time when i'll be sitting in the lt waiting for my paper to come so i'll NOT know how to do it.
no actually, i'll be dead in probably 34 hours. that's sunday morning at 10am FYI. that will be the time when my econs teacher is going to sit down and mark my HORRIBLY written essay(s).

ohgoshohgoshohgosh :(

so i finally saw nathan the other day.
it was..disgusting. seriously. knowing nathan's penchant for givin his students a HARD time me n merianna..well we did some preparations before we met him. i so looked like a nerd. ugh. dont even remind me.
anyway half the time nathan was talkin i couldnt concentrate cos his BIG, BUSHY moustache was taking away all the attention. i'll never forget that ONE stray hair that i was this close to pluckin off for him.
he made some really stupid comments to.
nathan: "so you girls are acedemically able students?"
me and meri *nods*
i mean, yeah well DUH. why are we even studying if we're not man?! he should seriously get a life.
nathan: "so u dont have any problems with absentism right?"
me: *crossing my fingers* "yes"
OMG. i've been a bad baaaad girl.
i hope he never checks the register.

ok thats it for now, gotta go back to whining about how bad im gonna do tmr to someone. heh.

how did it come to this?


listen to my silent heart.

how did it come to this?


where do you want me?

how did it come to this?


what happened to the faith?

how did it come to this?


why is it so difficult for us to be like we were?

how did it come to this?


where is my angel of happiness?
i need you here right now.

how did it come to this?


just strike me down from behind so i cant see you anymore.

how did it come to this?


happiness is a specific.
misery is a generalisation.
people usually know exactly why they are happy. they rarely know why they are miserable. misery is a vacuum. a space without air, a suffocated dead place, the abode of the miserable. misery is a tenement block, rooms like battery cages, sit over your own droppings, lie on your own filth. misery is a no u-turns, no stopping road. travel down it pushed by those behind, tripped by those in front. travel down in at furious speed through the days that are mummified in lead. it happens so fast once you get started, there's no anchor from the real world to slow you down. nothing to hold onto. misery pulls away the brackets of life leaving you to free fall. whatever your private hell, you'll find a million like it in Misery. this is the town where everyone's nightmares come true.

how did it come to this?


1. What favourite color of brassier?

2. Most number of brassier are in what color?
i aim to buy the whole spectrum of colors!!

3. Any push-up brassier?
every girl's best friend :x

4. What type of brassier do you like most?
comfy ones..DUH. dont like wearing bras so NONE is best.

5. Hate most?
strapless. then my boobs will dangle. i rather not wear any.

6. Wear brassier to sleep?

7. Wear brassier at home?

8. Ever don't wear brassier when you are out?
i shall not answer that.

9. How do you wash your brassier?
...throw it in, press a button, hang it up.
how else man?!

10. Most expensive piece of brassier?

11. Present cup size?/ Ideal cup size?
.... :

12. Thongs, g-strings or boy-shorts?
thongs baby.

13. Favourite color?

14. Who do the washing?
the machine. we talking abt bras still yeah?

15. Matching brassier and panty everytime?
im disorganised.

16. Favourite brand for lingerie?
VIC'S SECRETS!!!!! not only do i love 'em, i LOVE seein people in 'em :x

how did it come to this?


everywhere i go it seems i keep seeing happy people. i've had enough of it. if i see one more happy couple strolling on the streets like its nobody's business i'll FUCKIN burn them. its salt to the wound and every place that i turn to i see happiness. i DONT want that. i want pain. i want suffering. i want lots of rain and depressed people.
i cant stand smiles, jokes, constant chatter about everything and nothing at once.
i dont want to talk. i dont want to engage. i want to be alone. i dont want to fuckin pretend im fine and dandy. go away. stay away. dont bother me cause i dont want to be bothered.
happiness is a drag.
happiness is illusive.
happiness is so bloody annoying to me right now.
what in the world is there to be happy about anyway?
people are dying of hunger everyday, temperatures are soaring because of "climate change", people get mugged, raped, killed and worse, all 3 of them.
happiness is a specific. what do YOU have to be happy about?

how did it come to this?


the touch of your lips against my skin, against mine, your breath creating patterns on my skin, playin with my mind, a taste of u so divine, so perfect, consuming all of me, your touch - your everything - drawing me in, into you, into your core and i am lost. lost in you, lost in the moment, lost and never want to be found again.

i miss you so.

how did it come to this?


I am worth $1,947,060 on HumanForSale.com

how did it come to this?


thanks people for wishing me a very happy birthdaY!
(see im NOT ungrateful i DO take time to thank people.)

how did it come to this?


if i could undo things that i have said or done i would have done it. i would go back and live my day with the one tiny change in events that would have made all the difference. i would not have made you cry. i would not have caused you pain. the simple act of saying, or not saying certain words can change a lot. everything that i have done, - or rather, have not done - that hurt you hurts me even more. each teardrop, like lemon drips, that falls from your beautiful eyes land on my wounded heart - the pain is unbearable. every word that you say is like a dart to my heart. my dartboard heart is gettin heavy from each dart that you throw and not withdraw. for words spoken are like darts - once said, can never be retracted. my dartboard heart that hangs in the dingy walls of my chest fears the day it becomes too heavy by the darts that it drops, and is replaced. but then again, my feelings are like the wonder glue that tacks me firmly onto the walls of my chest. it will never fall.
my feelings are a paradox in itself, for my weakness lies in my feelings for you. the deeper they are, the sharper your weapons are to me. as are mine.

how did it come to this?


i hate u.
im tryin and tryin and still its not enough for u?
so go on, play mind games with me.
say its not enough.
nothing's ever enough with the distance between us.
and u say u feel the distance? join in the club. does that make u feel dejected? lost?
and dont ever FUCKIN say the situation is different for u and me. its the same. if anything it's worse having your friends around but there's still no one to turn to.
so go on, be sensitive.
be religious.
be bloody pessimistic.
and go ahead and make me feel worthless wont u?
i dont know why things get the way they are.
mayb there's something so fundamentally loathesome about me that i repel all the people closest to me.
maybe my mom is right.
maybe i really cant do anything right.
what about u?

how did it come to this?


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  rock yer socks off!